Wednesday, September 7, 2011

From Drive-Time to Human Trafficking - Canadian Edition

Hey, look! A radio station is offering guys in an affluent Commonwealth country the chance to "win" a beautiful Slavic mail-order bride!

The Bear, "Edmonton's Best Rock", is working with a mail-order bride company in Russia to "give away" a hot and compliant hooker sex slave wife:
"But we're not going to give this opportunity to just anybody.... to weed out the no-hopers and time-wasters, we've developed the application form below. If you're interested in potential holy matrimony with a hot foreign chick, fill it out to the best of your abilities. If we pick you, you'll be heading to Russia with 13 nights' accomodation[ sic], return air fare, and $500 spending money to meet the lucky lady!"

Here are some of the entries of would-be winners:

"A perfect wife is one who are not like women from Canada and USA, because women from these countries are too spoiled, always want their way and will take everything from a man if they are not happy and leave the man."
- Michael Okeymaw from Hobbema
"Tired of goddamn vacant entitled Alberta princesses"
Damian from Edmonton



Wow... does this disgusting and dehumanizing publicity stunt ever seem familiar...

That was last March, when a New Zealand station ran the same contest, but with a Ukrainian "bride" as the prize.

In that case, not only did NZ get bad press all over the western world, but attracted the topless ire pf Ukrainian women's protest group FEMEN, whose main objective is to stamp out human trafficking. They jokingly threatened the winner, known only as Greg, with castration if he came to Kiev to claim his human prize. They had this posted slapped all over Auckland:

Greg apparently turned down the free trip to Kiev.

When the FEMEN women were protesting the contest, they used terms like "wildman" to denigrate the stranger from a strange land.

And they were right. In Eastern Europe, "matchmaking" services often serve as cover for sex tourism. But the barbarians in Auckland—and now Edmonton—do women around the world even more of a disservice by treating the foreign women as sexually objectified and obedient "perfect wives".

This kind of thing should not be happening here. This is Canada. And I am ashamed to have a story like this make the international news. (I read about it in Jezebel.)

Fortunately, I'm not alone. Alberta’s Employment and Immigration minister, Thomas Lukaszu, pulled all of his ministry's advertising from The Bear 100.3 FM Tuesday in protest.

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