Thursday, September 15, 2011

Can a PSA nightie make cancer prevention sexy?

When it comes to breast cancer prevention in social marketing, there is a great generational divide. On one side, you have older women in the high-risk age group who prefer the more visionary "pink" approach. On the other are (usually) younger women, who react to cancer prevention as part of protecting and nurturing their sexuality. (See "I love boobies", "Boobyball", etc.)

The Feel Your Boobies Foundation definitely falls into the latter camp. Founded by a woman who was diagnosed with breast cancer at 33, it uses sexualized humour to encourage regular self- and partner-assisted examination.

Released juts in time for October is this cheeky cami set. It comes with the disclaimer, "We do not take responsibility for anyone who wears this tank top for anything other than sleeping :-)"

What do you think of this approach? Is it appropriate? Is it helpful? Or is it just harmless cause-branded fun?

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