Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I had something important that I was going to post, but I totally forgot what it was. I hate it when that happens. If I remember it, I'll drop it in the comments. In the meantime, here's some stuff I cut-and-paste from other feminist blogs:

Many disagree on the place of feminism in the contemporary world. Dzodan (2011) argues that "MY FEMINISM WILL BE INTERSECTIONAL OR IT WILL BE BULLSHIT!....My cats would be delighted to pee on you." While this is a belief, it has also been said that "Goats are assholes, man. [Emphasis mine]" (Shakestown, Porn)

However, "After a while one miraculously learns (from a parallel universe, most likely) that girls' knickers!!!!!1!! are not available at the fish counter of the local supermarket!" [Emphasis Awesome!] (Snakes, The Internet)

In light of this, [Benjamin Grumbles, Esq.] exhorts us to remember that "The lady-brain is a highly delicate instrument that must never be taxed with complex thought, lest it overheat and cause a dreadful case of the vapors, requiring a cooling period in repose upon a fainting couch, preferably on a shaded veranda, during which the swoonful lass must be cautiously revived with a steady influx of mint juleps. The lady-brain cannot be stressed writing for web windows! Complete uterine collapse will not be far behind such wanton willynillying!

Such fragility is precisely why no one of the female persuasion is allowed on the airship! Not only can I not abide the exploitation of gentlewomen by the unnecessary strain of their pitiable mental facilities, but I cannot fit a fainting couch in the infernal contraption, anyhow—not with Bruce's enormous collection of classic gentlemen's calendars and physique magazines lying about!"

And yet, "Uninspected bacon" (Gashtoncrumblesworthton).

In conclusion, the Internet is a land of contrasts.

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